In honor of Black History Month, MABL is hosting two events that allow members to learn about current and past social justice issues and hopefully provide CLE bias credits.

The first event is an open forum discussion about the documentary "On These Grounds." The documentary traces a viral video of a white police officer assaulting a Black teenager seated at her desk, which sparked a national conversation and fueled a movement. The film shines a light on students, educators, and organizers who are creating an equitable, just future for Black girls everywhere. Watch the trailer.

The discussion will be moderated by Kevin Lindsey, Minnesota Humanities Center CEO and Founder of Lindsey Law and Consulting. The documentary will be made available through a secure streaming platform for a 10-day window prior to the event.
Register now. 1-CLE Bias Credit applied for. Further details regarding the zoom link as well as viewing details will be provided at a later day and time.
For more information or to register, please click here.