Things that Go Bump on the Internet
Thursday, Mar. 30, 2017 | 4 p.m. EDT
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Social media plays a significant role in today’s society and has changed how we market law practices and access information. Effective and ethical lawyering means navigating the dangers that lurk for lawyers on social media, and also the multitude of electronic tools that may seem appealing and helpful in our zeal to obtain the best results for our clients. A misstep comes with a disciplinary price tag. Attendees will learn do’s and don’ts, helpful tips and guidance regarding the ethics of self-promotion on the internet, LinkedIn endorsements, investigating and manipulating online data and evidence, astroturfing, Web bugs, and Internet scams involving settlement funds.
Moderator | Judy M. Lam (Litigation Partner, Kumagai Law Group, Jeanne P. Gray Diversity Scholarship recipient and Diversity Committee, ABA Center for Professional Responsibility)
Speakers | Wendy Wen Yun Chang (Partner, Hinshaw & Culbertson; member, ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility) and Ellyn Rosen (Deputy Director of ABA Center for Professional Responsibility)
This webinar is the result of collaborative efforts of the ABA Center for Professional Responsibility and NAPABA. Applicable ethics rules will be discussed and cited by rule number during the presentation. Code words will be used to monitor attendance during the live webinar. NAPABA headquarters will provide attendance certificates to members for attending the webinar. It is up to individual members to determine whether the webinar qualifies for credit (and what kind) in their state.
Please e-mail Kristin Haugen, chair of the CLE & Programming Sub-committee of the SSF Network at kc@kchaugenlaw.com with any questions.
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National Asian Pacific American Bar Association | 1612 K St. NW, Suite 510 | Washington, D.C. 20006 | www.napaba.org