Minnesota Asian Pacific American Bar Association

CLE (3 credits): Asylum Basics with The Advocates for Human Rights | Feb 16 (Faegre)

Fri, February 16, 2018 9:30 AM | Vincent Pham (Administrator)

This CLE is for attorneys with minimal to no asylum experience who are willing to represent a client seeking asylum through The Advocates' pro bono program. This training provides an in-depth introduction to asylum law and procedure and reviews the necessary documentary evidence needed to file an asylum application. Tips and advice regarding representation of low income asylum seekers will also be provided.

Faegre Baker Daniels
2200 Wells Fargo Center
90 S. Seventh Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Friday, Feb 16
9:30 am


Contact Alison Griffith, agriffith@advrights.org, 612-746-4673 with questions.

Mailing Address:
MNAPABA c/o Minnesota State Bar Association
600 Nicollet Mall, Suite 380, Minneapolis, MN 55402

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