Minnesota Asian Pacific American Bar Association

Local Bar & Community News

  • Mon, November 22, 2021 2:39 PM | Deleted user

    Join the Minnesota Association of Black Lawyers (MABL) for a virtual gala to honor their 2021 scholarship recipients. This year's gala will feature a fireside conversation with The Honorable Keith Ellison, Minnesota Attorney General, and The Honorable Monique H. Worrell, State Attorney for the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court for the State of Florida. For more information or to register, please click here.

  • Mon, November 22, 2021 1:44 PM | Stephanie Chen

    Please join the Minnesota Chapter of the Federal Bar Association for a webinar featuring federal judges, practitioners, and former members of the District of Minnesota’s magistrate-judge merit selection panels, as they discuss the diverse work of a magistrate judge and demystify the application and selection process.

    This event aims to raise awareness about the magistrate judge role and encourage interest in forthcoming vacancies by many qualified applicants from diverse professional and personal backgrounds. It will also highlight the broad range of legal experiences and pathways through the profession that can lead to the magistrate judge position.

    Tara Norgard will moderate panel discussions featuring Chief Judge John Tunheim, Judge Susan Richard Nelson, Magistrate Judge Becky Thorson, Magistrate Judge Tony Leung, and Magistrate Judge Elizabeth Cowan Wright, as well as law clerks to magistrate judges and representatives from the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Office of the Federal Public Defender.

    The Zoom event will feature a two-part panel discussion focused upon the job duties and selection process, to be followed by smaller group ”Q&A” break-out discussions with current and former magistrate judges. 1.0 general CLE credit will be sought.

    For more information, or to register, please click here.

  • Fri, November 12, 2021 7:11 AM | Deleted user

    The past year and a half has brought unprecedented disruptions and uncertainty to peoples' lives, jobs, and families. It is changing the way people do business, socialize, and even educate their children. Join the Women in Law & Leadership Regional Summit to explore these changes and the effect they are having on the career paths of women and underrepresented leaders. This virtual conference will explore strategies for recruiting and retaining diverse talent, what success looks like, how to enlist men to become allies and advocates, and whether companies are doing enough to create a culture of inclusion beyond metrics. Speakers include leaders from both law firms and corporate legal departments. For more information or to register, please click here.

  • Tue, November 09, 2021 2:26 PM | Stephanie Chen

    Chief Judge Tunheim will be giving a keynote address at the fall season's Westminster Town Hall Forum. The program will include a naturalization ceremony, remarks from Chief Judge Tunheim on the judiciary's role in American democracy, and live Q&A session. Specifically, Chief Judge Tunheim will talk about the establishment of two "Justice & Democracy Centers," first in Saint Paul and later in Minneapolis. The Centers will be a new, unprecedented court public engagement initiative that will challenge the way Minnesotans think about the court system, access to equal justice for all, and the court’s role in the future of democracy in America. The Centers  will be unveiled during Chief Judge Tunheim's presentation and via statewide MPR broadcast.

    For more information or to register, please click here.

  • Sat, October 30, 2021 8:15 AM | Deleted user

    To mark his retirement from the Minnesota Supreme Court in 2015, Alan Page launched an initiative to build awareness of ethics and the elimination of bias in the law, matters that will shape the legal community now and in the future. This year's Justice Alan Page Elimination of Bias Seminar will focus on Elimination of Racial Bias. Keynote speakers include:

    Jerry Blackwell, (Attorney and Founder & Chairman at Blackwell Burke P.A.) and Lola Velazquez-Aguilu (Litigations and Investigations Counsel at Medtronic and former Chair of the MN Commission on Judicial Selection), both Special Prosecutors in the Derek Chauvin trial.

    An interactive panel discussion following the presentation will be moderated by Dr. Artika Tyner.

    For more information or to purchase a ticket, please click here.

  • Wed, October 27, 2021 8:53 AM | Stephanie Chen

    The Federal Bar Association (FBA) Minnesota Chapter will be holding its 46th Annual Federal Practice Seminar virtually on November 18.

    The Federal Practice Seminar will feature topics of interest to every federal practitioner. The FBA has assembled a slate of outstanding presenters, including judges and experts in a variety of fields, who will speak on vital issues facing civil and criminal practice today, including:

    ·    Qualified Immunity

    ·    Federal Clemency in the Biden Era

    ·    Rule 30(b)(6) Depositions

    ·    Voting Rights

    ·    Neuroscience and the Law

    ·    In the Dark Podcast and Investigative Journalism

    ·    Civil Access to Justice and the Pro Se Project

    ·    Supreme Court Update

    In addition, the keynote speaker this year is Professor Christopher Lehman, a professor of ethnic studies at St. Cloud State University. Professor Lehman’s keynote address is titled “How Free is Free” and will discuss Southern slave owners’ contributions to Minnesota’s growth through the end of the Civil War and Minnesota’s complicit role in the history of slavery. Professor Lehman is the author of Slavery in the Upper Mississippi Valley, 1787-1865 andSlavery’s Reach: Southern Slaveholders in the North Star State, which won the 2020 Minnesota Book Award for Minnesota Nonfiction.

    CLE credits have been applied for.

    While we will miss the ability to mingle with our fellow FBA colleagues during breakfast, on breaks, and at the traditional happy hour, the virtual breaks will be filled with fun and informative trivia about the bench and our Chapter.


    Please register here. Detailed information about how to log in to the virtual seminar will follow in a confirmation email. ***Please note that this is a brand new website, such that some organizations’ firewalls might block access. If that happens, please contact your IT department to unblock the site. And if you need any assistance, please reach out to the contacts listed below.

    An early bird discount will apply if you register by November 1, 2021.

    If you have any questions about the event, please contact Aaron Knoll at aknoll@greeneespel.com or Barry Landy at bml@ciresiconlin.com.

  • Mon, October 25, 2021 4:42 PM | Stephanie Chen

    The Minnesota State Bar Association (MSBA) Tax Law Section, along with the Minnesota Tax Court, will be hosting a conference on Access to Tax Justice, featuring Attorney General Keith Ellison as the keynote speaker. The purpose of the conference is to help identify and address institutional barriers to the administration of justice in Minnesota's state tax system.

    The Minnesota system of tax justice relies on two primary promises embodied in the missions of the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the Minnesota Tax Court: that everyone will report, pay, and receive the right amount of tax, no more and no less; and that the court will provide timely and equitable disposition of appeals from tax orders.

    But while all Minnesotans are affected by the tax system, many Minnesotans are not familiar with their rights and responsibilities regarding that system—whether when filling out their tax forms, challenging tax orders or property tax assessments, or understanding the collections process. This conference recognizes the existence of ongoing institutional barriers to tax justice and seeks to dismantle those barriers by addressing the tax issues faced by low-income taxpayers, non-native English speakers, and other underserved communities.

    The conference will bring together representatives of a variety of tax institutions and community-based groups to present solutions, receive feedback, share resources, and launch a continuing conversation. The conference is especially aimed at law students, tax professionals, accountants, and anyone looking to volunteer in a space where representation can make a big difference.

    Attorneys as well as community stakeholders and members of the public are welcome. CLE credit has been applied for. For more information or to register, please click here.

  • Mon, October 25, 2021 3:28 PM | Stephanie Chen

    The Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (British Columbia) Society (FACL BC), a NAPABA affiliate organization, invites all members of the legal community to the premiere launch of its mini documentary, "But I Look Like A Lawyer." The documentary will share stories of the discrimination, stereotyping, and bias experienced by members of the Pan-Asian legal community. It aims to increase intercultural awareness and competency, and to surface the complexity of the history, socio-economic, and colonial aspects of these real lived experiences. FACL BC will host a virtual fireside chat following the documentary showcase. For more information or to register, please click here.

  • Wed, October 13, 2021 3:28 PM | Deleted user

    The U.S. Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division is holding an important and timely convening about how we can all work together to address the scourge of hate-motivated violence and discrimination. This virtual conference will include discussions about the rise of hate activity, online hate, the recently released 2020 hate crime statistics, and the role of criminal, civil, and community responses to acts of hate. Speakers include Merrick Garland (Attorney General) and Kristen Clarke (Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights). Additional speakers will be announced closer to date. This conference is open to the public. For more information or to register, please click here.

  • Sat, October 09, 2021 7:58 AM | Deleted user

    Minneapolis is holding its first citywide elections since the murder of George Floyd. One of the most closely watched and hotly debated items on the ballot is Question 2, which would eliminate the Minneapolis Police Department and replace it with a new Department of Public Safety. Join Twin Cities Diversity in Practice for an engaging discussion with legal experts analyzing this important question.  Our panelists have each studied public safety and racial equity. Together they will provide an objective overview of the ballot question, the different positions arising around it, and potential outcomes should it pass or not. Whether you live in Minneapolis and still have questions before you vote, or are simply interested in learning more on the subject, please join us. This program is open to the public. Please invite your friends and colleagues!

Mailing Address:
MNAPABA c/o Minnesota State Bar Association
600 Nicollet Mall, Suite 380, Minneapolis, MN 55402

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